Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tips to save petrol

Petrol is one of the most crucial thing in our life nowadays. Almost everyone has transportation and almost every transportation need petrol to move. It's true that some vehicles such as hybrid cars and magnetic-levitation train (MagLev train) in Germany use electrical power but its a small number compared to other transportation in this world which can be assumed as below than 20%.

As petrol is crucial, it is a must to all of us to put petrol in our monthly budget. The increasing of petrol price lately worries everybody. That's why we need to know tips to save petrol. One of the tips is we should fill our tank at night. It's clear that temperature at night is lower than temperature during daytime. This cause the petrol to become denser and the denser the petrol, the more its actual quantity is. 

sumber gambar: http://nyomkovetes-blog.hu/category/uzlet/

All of us know that petrol come in liquid state. Thus, this explains that petrol has the ability to evaporate and transform into gas state. Therefor, most researchers had suggested us to fill the tank slowly. There is no need to rush. We are advised to fill the tank slowly to avoid any unwanted friction that will cause the petrol to evaporate.  If the petrol evaporated, the actual quantity of petrol filled in our tank is lesser than which had shown in meter reading.

Most of Malaysians love teh tarik. This is a fact that nobody can deny. Despite this fact, most of Malaysians also do not finish their teh tarik. Why? This is because we love teh tarik but not the sediment. Same goes to petrol. All vehicles need petrol to move but not the sediment. That's why we are advised to not to fill our tank when there is a petrol lorry at the station because when the lorry fill the underground tank, all the sediment at the bottom will rise just like when we stir our teh tarik. Although the sediments had not been proven as harmful to engine but it is a waste to our money as we pay for the petrol, not for the sediment.

In conclusion, we should always practice these tips to save petrol especially in this era when petrol had been called as 'black gold'. Petrol in the ancient years may serve nothing to mankind and have no value but nowadays, it is a crucial thing for all of us.

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